Ministry of Religious Affairs Evaluates the Domestic 5000 Doctoral Scholarship Program

Jumat, 19 November 2021 11:51 WIB

Suyitno, the Director of Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education conveyed his speech through virtual meeting in Bintaro, Tangsel

Tangsel (Pendis)–The Ministry of Religious Affairs through the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education (PTKI), the Directorate General of Islamic Education together with 38 Higher Education Organisers of the 5000 Domestic Doctoral Program (PTP) evaluates scholarships that deriving doctors.

Director of Islamic Higher Education, Suyitno, said that this meeting was important for evaluating the 5000 Domestic Doctoral program, looking for internal and external factors that hindered students from completing their studies, on Monday night (15/11).

This Professor of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang emphasized internal factors related to the governance of the Higher Education Organisers (PTP), such as students, lecturers or communication factors and others. "One day, the Directorate of Higher Education must hold an open discussion with the students to make things clearer and they will get the real information," said Suyitno.

Suyitno added that the coordination activity was an opportunity to dissect one by one the determinant factors that hindered the delay in graduation of scholarship participants. "If the delay in graduation is caused by a supervisor/promoter, then a new promoter is needed, especially in the current digital era, guidance can be done online or virtually," he said.

The former Director of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) also emphasised the importance of good service and good governance as the main barometer of the 5000 Doctoral program services. "We invite PTP partners to evaluate the Directorate of Higher Education, both related to PTP rights or regulations that are considered inappropriate".

Regarding the regulation, Suyitno advised the Postgraduate Directors who represents PTP, not to make it difficult for themselves, but also not to do things carelessly. Whether related to the scholarship study period, as well as following the existing rules.

The Coordination Meeting of the Higher Education Organisers of the 5000 Doctoral Scholarships took place in Bintaro from November 15 to 17 and was attended by 38 PTPs under the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. "The presence of Postgraduate Directors, both online and offline is a great hope to provide solutions to the existing problems".

Head of Sub-Directorate for Education and Training, Ruchman Basori, said that the 5000 Domestic Doctoral program from the 2015-2019 budget years is 2,223 people with details, in 2015 there are 425 people, in 2016 are 529 people, in 2017 are 530 people, in 2018 are 442 people, and in 2019 are 297 people. And those who have graduated in 2015 are 682 people, in 2016 are 233 people and in 2017 are 187 people, with a total of 1,102 people.

"Considering that the graduation rate has only reached less than 50% of the total program participants, it is necessary to take accelerated steps carefully both from the aspect of regulation, PTP, students and other things," said Ruchman.

Attending the Coordination Meeting for the 5000 Doctoral Domestic Scholarships were attended by Head of Planning and Evaluation Mustaqim, Head of Educational Development Section Efi Widianti and Head of Professional Development for PTKIN Lecturers Ummu Shofiyah and JFU Sub-Directorate of Manpower and 38 Postgraduate Directors representing PTP. (Trans: LQM)



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