Director of Diktis Officially Opened the First Religion, Science and Research Olympiad 2021

Jumat, 19 November 2021 13:14 WIB

Director of Diktis Opened OASE I

Aceh (Pendis) – Director of Islamic Higher Education (PTKI) of the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Suyitno officially opened the 1st PTKI Student Religion, Art, Science and Research (OASE) Olympiad. In that activity, Suyitno reminded that the main assets of life are to master the exact knowledge and religious knowledge.

Suyitno explained that students at the State Islamic University (UIN), the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) and at the State Islamic High School (STAIN) actually already had the provision or initial capital for exact or worldly knowledge. Thus, he is expected to be able to compete with other students from other public universities.

 "PTKI already has initial asset, the first one is worldly knowledge, PTKI is able to balance other public universities," said Suyitno in Aceh, Thursday (11/18/2021) when directly opening the AOSE event.

Second, continued Suyitno, the Professor of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, PTKI has always prioritised future knowledge, aka knowledge that tends to the hereafter, this is certainly a plus for the student, "This is an extraordinary potential, both of which can only be obtained in our PTKI," said Suyitno. "Choose PTKI then you will get both," he added.

He revealed that the reason OASE-I was centred at UIN Ar-Raniry Aceh was because Aceh was not only known as the Foyer of Mecca, but also as the Foyer of Knowledge. According to him, great scholars were born and spread their knowledge in Aceh, "Great figures from various scientific fields were born in Aceh, this is one of the reasons OASE-I was taking place in Aceh, so that Aceh becomes a centre of knowledge," said Suyitno.

The man who was born in Tulung Agung hopes that OASE-I, which is the second national activity after PWN at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, by bringing in the most participants during this pandemic, will always maintain and not be careless with health protocols, "This is the second PTKI National event after the previous activity of PWN in Palembang, I hope that all participants will not be careless to continue to maintain health protocols," he hoped.

Representing the Governor of Aceh, the Head of the Aceh Provincial Islamic Syariat Service, Alidar said that it is a pride that Aceh was trusted as the host of OASE-I. This event deserves to be supported together as a form of creating young scholars who will be encouraged to appear in the mastery of science and religion. .

"If we are able to master good knowledge, surely we will be able to create superior innovations in responding to various challenges of the times, safe and successful OASE I PTKI throughout Indonesia," said Suyitno.

The Chancellor of UIN Ar-Raniry Aceh, Warul Walidin said that with OASE-I, apart from being a national gathering event, it is hoped that it will be able to spread and encourage PTKI and especially lecturers to motivate their students to increase competence in the fields of Religion, Science and Research as well as other innovative abilities.

"The entire academic community of UIN Ar-Raniry Aceh would like to thank you for the being the first and honourable mandate to UIN Ar-Raniry as the host of OASE-I. This is a form of trust and confirmation that Aceh is a religious and scientific centre in Indonesia," concluded the Chancellor of UIN Aceh. (Trans: LQM)



