MAN 1 OKU Timur Wins Second Place in the Literacy Festival
South Sumatra (Pendis) – A student of the State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) 1 Ogan Komering Ulu (Oku) East won second place at the South Sumatra Literacy Festival. This event was held at the beginning of this month in Palembang from 6 to 8 November 2021.
The head of MAN 1 Oku Ali Mustopa explained that his student was able to win 2nd place in Science Literacy at the 2021 South Sumatra Literacy Festival with the theme "Plastic Waste Distillation Tool into Fuel (Kerosene)", "I feel proud of the achievement of second place achieved by our student. Hopefully this will enhance our enthusiasm to always improve culture and digital literacy in the madrasa environment," said Ali.
As is known, the Regional Government of South Sumatra (Sumsel) has held a literacy festival in Siguntang Hill, Palembang. This effort is carried out to be able to encourage superior Human Resources (HR) and be able to compete, especially in the South Sumatra region for the younger generation.
The Governor of South Sumatra H. Herman Deru at the opening of the literacy festival also inaugurated the South Sumatra Literacy Ambassadors at the City and District levels, Mr. and Mrs. Literacy. The event is the day of all district and city governments in the province of South Sumatra.
Bahro explained, there were five madrasa students who took part in the digital literacy festival, they are M. Ata Saputra, M. Ma'ruf Makinudin, Satria Javarian Saputra, Al Aghni Naufalia and Desi Nadia.
Hadi Buhro Wijaya as the supervisor and participating in accompanying the Science Team of MAN 1 OKU Timur also felt that this achievement was not much, because there are still many things that need to be done and maintained in the future, "seeing the Head of MAN directly witnessed the gift-away makes us even more excited," concluded the Physics teacher at MAN 1 Oku. (Trans: LQM)